Voice ChatGPT functions are now also available on free accounts
November 22, 2023

Voice ChatGPT functions are now also available on free accounts

The promise made by the company OpenAI in September that the voice ChatGPT features, which it then introduced only for subscription Plus and Enterprise accounts on this platform, will also reach those with free accounts has now been fulfilled. One of the founders of this startup that develops artificial intelligence (AI), Greg Brockman, announced on his Twitter (X) account that these functions are officially starting to reach users with free accounts.

This means that if you haven’t already received them, they should reach your account in the coming weeks.

When OpenAI first introduced voice ChatGPT features, it acknowledged that the ability to create “realistic synthetic voices from just a few seconds of real speech” carried new risks. For example, it can allow malicious individuals to impersonate public figures or anyone they wish.

As a result, it was decided that ChatGPT’s voice features would focus only on conversations. They are powered by a text-to-speech model that can generate “a human sound from just text and a few seconds of speech samples.” OpenAI worked with actors to create this ability and offers five different voices that you can choose to use.

Also, it is important to point out that the voice ChatGPT functions are currently only available on mobile apps for Android and iOS. This can be seen as well from the company announcement which invites you to try the feature by clicking the headset icon in the app on mobile phones.

The announcement comes after a tumultuous five days for the company OpenAI, which was followed by the dismissal of the CEO and one of its founders, Sam Altman, and Brockman’s resignation in protest over this decision.

However, Altman and Brockman officially returned to the company today, after Microsoft announced over the weekend that it had hired them into its AI division. In order to calm the storm caused by the mentioned events, it is possible that in the coming days OpenAI will release more news for its ChatGPT bot, one of the most popular artificial intelligence applications in the world.