Samsung GDDR7 memory will be more than 50 percent faster in maximum data transfer than GDDR6X
January 30, 2024

Samsung GDDR7 memory will be more than 50 percent faster in maximum data transfer than GDDR6X

The South Korean company Samsung plans to introduce next month its fastest and latest modules of GDDR7 DRAM memory chips with speeds of up to 37 Gbps for next-generation graphics processors. This means that Samsung GDDR7 memory will offer 54 percent faster maximum memory data transfer than the fast GDDR6X memory.

The company is scheduled to unveil its new next-generation memory chips next month at a conference in San Francisco as part of the IEEE International Solid-State Circuit 2024 event. Samsung should hold a presentation entitled in English: “A 16 Gb 37 Gb/s GDDR7 DRAM with PAM3-Optimized TRX Equalization and ZQ Calibration”, in which it will reveal its advanced memory solutions for the next GPU generation, writes TechRadarPro.

Samsung GDDR7 memory with a speed of 37 Gbps is quite amazing and marks an increase of over 50 percent compared to existing GDDR6X DRAM chips, which offer 24 Gbps. Although Samsung plans to release GDDR6W with double capacities and 64-bit DRAM chips, it is now moving towards a true next-generation standard. Also, the South Korean company is the first on the market to develop this type of chips, which should enable an additional level of graphics card performance.

So far, however, with 24 Gbps GDDR6 memory, we’ve only seen speeds of 23.5 Gbps on the Nvidia RTX 4080 Super graphics card. These speeds may not be ready in sufficient quantities for the next GPU generations for gaming and artificial intelligence, but we can definitely expect speeds of 32-36 Gbps on the next generation of graphics.

The bandwidth that 37 Gbps speeds would offer in various bus configurations are:

512-bit – 2368 GB/s (2,3 TB/s)

384-bit – 1776 GB/s (1,7 TB/s)

320-bit – 1480 GB/s (1,5 TB/s)

256-bit – 1184 GB/s (1,2 TB/s)

192-bit – 888 GB/s

128-bit – 592 GB/s

In addition, however, the new DRAM memory chips should offer up to 20 percent more efficiency, which is great considering that memory consumes a huge amount of power for high-end GPUs. Samsung’s GDDR7 memory will also reportedly include technology specifically optimized for high operating speeds, and there will be a low operating voltage option designed for applications with “cautious” power consumption, such as laptops. On the thermal efficiency side, the new memory standard will use a high thermal conductivity epoxy molding compound (EMC) that reduces thermal resistance by up to 70 percent.

We will see the official specifications and capabilities of the new chips soon, and in August last year the media reported that Samsung is already sending its GDDR7 DRAM chips to Nvidia for early evaluation of next-generation gaming graphics cards.