Google Cloud waives fees for transferring data to another provider’s cloud
January 12, 2024

Google Cloud waives fees for transferring data to another provider’s cloud

Google announced today that “moving to another cloud” has become easier, as it has abolished the fees for it. What actually happened is that Google Cloud cancels the fees for moving data to the cloud services of another provider, and the news applies to all customers worldwide.

The company points out in the announcement that this change, which took effect immediately, is proof of the Google Cloud platform’s commitment to “supporting a successful cloud ecosystem that is open, secure and interoperable.”

The initiative aims to empower enterprises with additional flexibility to adapt to changing needs, enabling them to migrate or adopt multiple cloud networks.

General Director and Executive Vice President of the Google Cloud Platform, Amit Xaveri, in a statement, however, indirectly attacks Microsoft:

Certain legacy providers are leveraging their on-premise software monopolies to create cloud service monopolies as well, using restrictive licensing practices that tie in customers and distort competition.

Microsoft has been in the spotlight for months over alleged anti-competitive business practices that make it expensive and technically difficult for users to switch providers, drawing the attention of EU antitrust regulators.

Zaveri also criticizes AWS, which is said to be significantly more expensive than its main rivals.

Customers should choose a cloud service provider because it makes sense for their business, not because their old provider locked them in with overly restrictive contractual terms or punitive licensing practices.

It’s obvious that Google Cloud is lobbying for a better experience for all cloud users, but it’s worth noting that the company has a significantly smaller market share compared to Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services. Pressure on competitors could, on the other hand, help Google attract more users and increase its market share.