Blue and green bubbles want to be together: Samsung urges Apple to enable RCS
„I hate that it has to be like this…can you just talk to your parents?” – is a sentence from part of the campaign in which Samsung urges Apple to accept the RCS standard for messaging, which should replace SMS and MMS. A personified message exchange between two supposedly forbidden lovers in the 20-second Samsung clip illustrates the need for the familiar blue and green bubbles of Android and Apple messages to want to be together.
The green bubbles represent messages in the RCS standard found on Android phones and the Messages service, while the blue ones are messages from the iPhone iMessage functionality. These seemingly small differences are not just in color.
Blue and green bubbles cause problems for iPhone or Android phone users in communication, because some functions that are enabled on their messaging applications are disabled or even completely invisible on the other side.
Again and again, someone in the technology industry tries to encourage Apple to accept the RCS standard and implement it in its iMessage service, so that the saga of communication problems between iPhone and Android phones is finally over.

Google has repeatedly called on its competitor in the market to accept the RCS standard, so that these problems disappear, but the company from Cupertino persistently refuses.
Now the South Korean company Samsung has joined this appeal, representing the stubbornness of Apple leaders through imaginary messages between two lovers, where the parents of one of them defend their “love”. In the exchange of messages, it is written that “the person” tried to talk to “his parents”, but that they want to separate them and that he does not understand why this is so.
Parents, you guessed it, are represented by the Apple company. Perhaps after this cute campaign, the American company will change its mind, but looking at its actions regarding the USB-C charging port, it is unlikely that RCS will be adopted without coercion in the form of regulations.