AMD Instinct MI300A will power Europe’s most powerful supercomputers
January 5, 2024

AMD Instinct MI300A will power Europe’s most powerful supercomputers

The University of Stuttgart and Hewlett-Packard Enterprise (HPE) announced an agreement to build two new supercomputers at the University of Stuttgart High Performance Computing Center (HLRS). They will be called Hunter and Herder, and will be powered by the new AMD Instinct MI300A Accelerator Processing Units (APU).

The first supercomputer, called “Hunter”, will start operating in 2025 and will have an expected maximum performance of 39 petaflops. It will be based on the HPE Cray X4000 supercomputer and will use AMD Instinct MI300A accelerator processing units (APUs). Hunter will be a transitional supercomputer that will help HLRS’s user community transition to the massively parallel, GPU-accelerated, Herder architecture.

“Herder” is the second supercomputer and will be installed in 2027. Herder will be an exascale system capable of speeds of one quintillion (10^18 ) FLOPS. The final configuration of Herder, based on the accelerator chips, will be determined by the end of 2025.

Mario Silveira, Corporate Vice President of OEM Sales at AMD stated:

AMD is pleased to expand our collaboration with HLRS in Stuttgart and HPE. We provide our state-of-the-art AMD Instinct MI300A accelerator for the “Hunter” project, aiming to improve performance, efficiency and data transfer speed. This initiative will establish a state-of-the-art infrastructure tailored for research, AI workloads and simulations. Scheduled to arrive by 2025, Hunter aligns with HLRS’s ambitious plans for Germany, demonstrating our commitment to advancing technological capabilities and fostering innovation together with our partners in the years to come.“.

For researchers in Stuttgart, “Hunter” and “Herder” will open many new opportunities for research in a wide range of applications in engineering and applied sciences. For example, they will enable the design of more fuel-efficient vehicles, more productive wind turbines, and new materials for electronics and other applications. You can read additional information about this on the HRLS website.